STD Tuning Engine Pre Chamber failure - OM606

Pre Chamber failure - OM606

Pre Chamber failure - OM606

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01-28-2017, 10:18 AM #1
Well guys, bad news. The prechamber broke clean off and lodged around in cylinder number 4. I have the head rebuilt prior putting it on the engine.

I Have a new engine coming in. I'm wondering what could cause this? High EGT? Faulty pre chamber? Bad timing?

I'm trying to prevent this to hapenning to engine number 2.

[Image: 16325643_10158178133960437_1487408550_o_zps7nziiovs.jpg]
[Image: 16357754_10158178134210437_1662347986_o_zpsb03orsyg.jpg]

The car's setup is the following:

220cc 8MM superpump
01-28-2017, 10:18 AM #1

Well guys, bad news. The prechamber broke clean off and lodged around in cylinder number 4. I have the head rebuilt prior putting it on the engine.

I Have a new engine coming in. I'm wondering what could cause this? High EGT? Faulty pre chamber? Bad timing?

I'm trying to prevent this to hapenning to engine number 2.

[Image: 16325643_10158178133960437_1487408550_o_zps7nziiovs.jpg]
[Image: 16357754_10158178134210437_1662347986_o_zpsb03orsyg.jpg]

The car's setup is the following:

220cc 8MM superpump


01-28-2017, 12:05 PM #2
Well, something else happened there, u are showing 2 damaged cylinders (head faces)!!! and only one has the pre cup riped off.
are u sure the engine didn´t ingested anything ?
It seems weird .... all faults i have seen in those cups are the ball broken, broken loose, completely dissapear, clogged cup neck , but never cracks along the cup or in the tip which is heat treated and very hard to destroy.

Anyway be aware that when the head is faced, and one cuts too much like a 1mm the precups have to be shimmed(pre cup protrusion) measured, and the gasket with the correct repair thickness (piston protrusion measured in case the deck was faced), this to avoid piston contact. (the pre cups are not same size they may differ by some tenth´s
Despite your pistons don´t show evidence of contact, it does not mean they didn´t.
At high speeds and high temperatures many things happen, and i bet the engine kept going litle limp but going....
Good luck

Powered by tractor fuel
01-28-2017, 12:05 PM #2

Well, something else happened there, u are showing 2 damaged cylinders (head faces)!!! and only one has the pre cup riped off.
are u sure the engine didn´t ingested anything ?
It seems weird .... all faults i have seen in those cups are the ball broken, broken loose, completely dissapear, clogged cup neck , but never cracks along the cup or in the tip which is heat treated and very hard to destroy.

Anyway be aware that when the head is faced, and one cuts too much like a 1mm the precups have to be shimmed(pre cup protrusion) measured, and the gasket with the correct repair thickness (piston protrusion measured in case the deck was faced), this to avoid piston contact. (the pre cups are not same size they may differ by some tenth´s
Despite your pistons don´t show evidence of contact, it does not mean they didn´t.
At high speeds and high temperatures many things happen, and i bet the engine kept going litle limp but going....
Good luck

Powered by tractor fuel


01-29-2017, 10:39 AM #3
Thanks Barrote! Might be caused by that, it was they're first OM606 head rebuilt. I might just leave my replacement engine unopened to hopefully save some trouble.
01-29-2017, 10:39 AM #3

Thanks Barrote! Might be caused by that, it was they're first OM606 head rebuilt. I might just leave my replacement engine unopened to hopefully save some trouble.


01-29-2017, 11:31 AM #4
(01-28-2017, 12:05 PM)barrote Well, something else happened there, u are showing 2 damaged cylinders (head faces)!!! and only one has the pre cup riped off.
are u sure the engine didn´t ingested anything ?
It seems weird .... all faults i have seen in those cups are the ball broken, broken loose, completely dissapear, clogged cup neck , but never cracks along the cup or in the tip which is heat treated and very hard to destroy.

Anyway be aware that when the head is faced, and one cuts too much like a 1mm the precups have to be shimmed(pre cup protrusion) measured, and the gasket with the correct repair thickness (piston protrusion measured in case the deck was faced), this to avoid piston contact. (the pre cups are not same size they may differ by some tenth´s
Despite your pistons don´t show evidence of contact, it does not mean they didn´t.
At high speeds and high temperatures many things happen, and i bet the engine kept going litle limp but going....
Good luck

It's quite common with engine damage for the damaged cylinder to eject shrapnel into the inlet manifold where it gets ingested by adjacent cylinders.

Baldur Gislason

01-29-2017, 11:31 AM #4

(01-28-2017, 12:05 PM)barrote Well, something else happened there, u are showing 2 damaged cylinders (head faces)!!! and only one has the pre cup riped off.
are u sure the engine didn´t ingested anything ?
It seems weird .... all faults i have seen in those cups are the ball broken, broken loose, completely dissapear, clogged cup neck , but never cracks along the cup or in the tip which is heat treated and very hard to destroy.

Anyway be aware that when the head is faced, and one cuts too much like a 1mm the precups have to be shimmed(pre cup protrusion) measured, and the gasket with the correct repair thickness (piston protrusion measured in case the deck was faced), this to avoid piston contact. (the pre cups are not same size they may differ by some tenth´s
Despite your pistons don´t show evidence of contact, it does not mean they didn´t.
At high speeds and high temperatures many things happen, and i bet the engine kept going litle limp but going....
Good luck

It's quite common with engine damage for the damaged cylinder to eject shrapnel into the inlet manifold where it gets ingested by adjacent cylinders.

Baldur Gislason


01-29-2017, 12:05 PM #5
Its hard to belive that can happen in this engine type.
spit a bit of metal through valves across the manifolt and land in adjacent cylinder? well many weird things happen...
like this pre cup being cracked open in the tip.
Got some questions for u may send u a PM?

Powered by tractor fuel
01-29-2017, 12:05 PM #5

Its hard to belive that can happen in this engine type.
spit a bit of metal through valves across the manifolt and land in adjacent cylinder? well many weird things happen...
like this pre cup being cracked open in the tip.
Got some questions for u may send u a PM?

Powered by tractor fuel


01-29-2017, 12:16 PM #6
I've witnessed some petrol powered engines blow pistons apart and there I found bits and pieces of the vaporised piston and rings in all of the remaining cylinders. Of course the vacuum assists there but I can see the same thing happening on a diesel once some of the broken pieces get wedged in an inlet valve preventing it from sealing, the compression pressure will blow other pieces at full speed up the inlet runner.
PMs are welcome and so is e-mail.

Baldur Gislason

01-29-2017, 12:16 PM #6

I've witnessed some petrol powered engines blow pistons apart and there I found bits and pieces of the vaporised piston and rings in all of the remaining cylinders. Of course the vacuum assists there but I can see the same thing happening on a diesel once some of the broken pieces get wedged in an inlet valve preventing it from sealing, the compression pressure will blow other pieces at full speed up the inlet runner.
PMs are welcome and so is e-mail.

Baldur Gislason


01-29-2017, 06:12 PM #7
Many prechamber failures are due to fuel injector not spraying properly ( peeing ) causing over heating of tip. Possible also
  a nozzle that hangs open or delayed closed.  Might only happen after engine warm. Take apart injector look for signs of bluing ( over heating )
on pintel .
01-29-2017, 06:12 PM #7

Many prechamber failures are due to fuel injector not spraying properly ( peeing ) causing over heating of tip. Possible also
  a nozzle that hangs open or delayed closed.  Might only happen after engine warm. Take apart injector look for signs of bluing ( over heating )
on pintel .


01-30-2017, 07:33 AM #8
I just got my injectors tested. They're fine apart from cylinder 1 (Piston rings went because of high egt caused by the leaking)
01-30-2017, 07:33 AM #8

I just got my injectors tested. They're fine apart from cylinder 1 (Piston rings went because of high egt caused by the leaking)

C300TD Wagon (W202)

01-30-2017, 05:37 PM #9
Damn I hope mine doesn't look like that when I open it up! How are the bored and valves?


OM606/722.6, big IC, W220 brakes.
DIY manifold, compound, 722.6 controller, built IP.
[i]Less rust.. 
01-30-2017, 05:37 PM #9

Damn I hope mine doesn't look like that when I open it up! How are the bored and valves?


OM606/722.6, big IC, W220 brakes.
DIY manifold, compound, 722.6 controller, built IP.
[i]Less rust.. 


01-30-2017, 09:37 PM #10
Little logic,bit of science,those prechambers are tough,if the end just broke off should have done major damage,  ( punched holes or cracked piston,
bent rod, beat out rod bearing,beat up head,)Did not.   What did happen was the end of prechamber broke off and shattered,like a piece of glass!
Look at all the pieces. What causes metal to do that?  The metal has become crystallized.  How does that happen,heat the metal hot and cool to
quickly.     Leakey injector (drips into prechamber after shut down )  causes tip to be cooled to fast.  Did not happen over night,many repeated cycles
but it will get there given enough time,damage started many miles ago.      Mbz says  it will happen if drippy injector not repaired.

Metal in other cylinders can come back through the exhaust valves. Proven fact.
01-30-2017, 09:37 PM #10

Little logic,bit of science,those prechambers are tough,if the end just broke off should have done major damage,  ( punched holes or cracked piston,
bent rod, beat out rod bearing,beat up head,)Did not.   What did happen was the end of prechamber broke off and shattered,like a piece of glass!
Look at all the pieces. What causes metal to do that?  The metal has become crystallized.  How does that happen,heat the metal hot and cool to
quickly.     Leakey injector (drips into prechamber after shut down )  causes tip to be cooled to fast.  Did not happen over night,many repeated cycles
but it will get there given enough time,damage started many miles ago.      Mbz says  it will happen if drippy injector not repaired.

Metal in other cylinders can come back through the exhaust valves. Proven fact.


01-30-2017, 11:15 PM #11
Happened to me once when I have lost the coolant ( small plastic drain knob not tight in place ) and overheated the 606.962 motor , 25 minutes with 120km/h on highway (three prechambers damaged ). Filled with coolant , easy starting but many misfires Weird , but still good the head gasket after that experiment ....
01-30-2017, 11:15 PM #11

Happened to me once when I have lost the coolant ( small plastic drain knob not tight in place ) and overheated the 606.962 motor , 25 minutes with 120km/h on highway (three prechambers damaged ). Filled with coolant , easy starting but many misfires Weird , but still good the head gasket after that experiment ....


01-30-2017, 11:17 PM #12
False, the injector on cylinder #4 didn't leak and had a good spray pattern. Most likely from the extreme -35 cold we've had and the high EGTs.
01-30-2017, 11:17 PM #12

False, the injector on cylinder #4 didn't leak and had a good spray pattern. Most likely from the extreme -35 cold we've had and the high EGTs.


01-31-2017, 12:50 AM #13
Question: If the cold temps.and high exh.temps are the answer why is #4cyl.prechamber the only one damaged.
Question: Have you owned this engine from new,and know all repairs ever done?  Is it possible some one else installed
injectors because of and earlier problem?      Just asking questions,I do not know all the answers!
01-31-2017, 12:50 AM #13

Question: If the cold temps.and high exh.temps are the answer why is #4cyl.prechamber the only one damaged.
Question: Have you owned this engine from new,and know all repairs ever done?  Is it possible some one else installed
injectors because of and earlier problem?      Just asking questions,I do not know all the answers!

OM605; 7,5mm elements

01-31-2017, 02:54 AM #14
(01-30-2017, 11:17 PM)hummermaniac88 False, the injector on cylinder #4 didn't leak and had a good spray pattern. Most likely from the extreme -35 cold we've had and the high EGTs.

I don't think that it can be because of the cold weather. The whole block has to get cold and as it is quite a huge one it can't get suddenly cold after shutting down.
01-31-2017, 02:54 AM #14

(01-30-2017, 11:17 PM)hummermaniac88 False, the injector on cylinder #4 didn't leak and had a good spray pattern. Most likely from the extreme -35 cold we've had and the high EGTs.

I don't think that it can be because of the cold weather. The whole block has to get cold and as it is quite a huge one it can't get suddenly cold after shutting down.


01-31-2017, 05:21 AM #15
after all who have seen pre cups damaged?
I did seen many but not like that. That tip broken off by the holes plane is the first .
Causes!!! Sure it wasn't cold weather. Neither Egt's ...
How is the ball ? How is the rest of the cup like?

Powered by tractor fuel
01-31-2017, 05:21 AM #15

after all who have seen pre cups damaged?
I did seen many but not like that. That tip broken off by the holes plane is the first .
Causes!!! Sure it wasn't cold weather. Neither Egt's ...
How is the ball ? How is the rest of the cup like?

Powered by tractor fuel


01-31-2017, 11:08 PM #16
I worked for Mercedes Benz of North America for 25 years,mercedes says Note; Crystallization of prechamber tip is caused by dripping injector
  after engine shut down.   Seen the pictures my self.    Start of damage to prechamber did not happen with present injector! That was
  spraying ok.  Damage started many miles ago,possible several injectors ago.   

    Note; injector can spray properly and still drip.   Was the injector even tested for drip?  
                                                                        Best hopes in finding your answer to why.
01-31-2017, 11:08 PM #16

I worked for Mercedes Benz of North America for 25 years,mercedes says Note; Crystallization of prechamber tip is caused by dripping injector
  after engine shut down.   Seen the pictures my self.    Start of damage to prechamber did not happen with present injector! That was
  spraying ok.  Damage started many miles ago,possible several injectors ago.   

    Note; injector can spray properly and still drip.   Was the injector even tested for drip?  
                                                                        Best hopes in finding your answer to why.


02-01-2017, 05:42 PM #17
(01-31-2017, 11:08 PM)Hercules I worked for Mercedes Benz of North America for 25 years,mercedes says Note; Crystallization of prechamber tip is caused by dripping injector
  after engine shut down.   Seen the pictures my self.    Start of damage to prechamber did not happen with present injector! That was
  spraying ok.  Damage started many miles ago,possible several injectors ago.   

    Note; injector can spray properly and still drip.   Was the injector even tested for drip?  
                                                                        Best hopes in finding your answer to why.

That's a wealth of information. It does make sense. I presented your points to my diesel injector shop, they tested them again under heat, they are dripping. 

I should change the prechambers on my replacement engine and put my rebuilt injectors in.
02-01-2017, 05:42 PM #17

(01-31-2017, 11:08 PM)Hercules I worked for Mercedes Benz of North America for 25 years,mercedes says Note; Crystallization of prechamber tip is caused by dripping injector
  after engine shut down.   Seen the pictures my self.    Start of damage to prechamber did not happen with present injector! That was
  spraying ok.  Damage started many miles ago,possible several injectors ago.   

    Note; injector can spray properly and still drip.   Was the injector even tested for drip?  
                                                                        Best hopes in finding your answer to why.

That's a wealth of information. It does make sense. I presented your points to my diesel injector shop, they tested them again under heat, they are dripping. 

I should change the prechambers on my replacement engine and put my rebuilt injectors in.

C300TD Wagon (W202)

02-01-2017, 07:07 PM #18
So they just drip a bit until the hard line pressure bleeds down, only a few drips surely?


OM606/722.6, big IC, W220 brakes.
DIY manifold, compound, 722.6 controller, built IP.
[i]Less rust.. 
02-01-2017, 07:07 PM #18

So they just drip a bit until the hard line pressure bleeds down, only a few drips surely?


OM606/722.6, big IC, W220 brakes.
DIY manifold, compound, 722.6 controller, built IP.
[i]Less rust.. 


02-01-2017, 11:12 PM #19
(02-01-2017, 05:42 PM)hummermaniac88
(01-31-2017, 11:08 PM)Hercules I worked for Mercedes Benz of North America for 25 years,mercedes says Note; Crystallization of prechamber tip is caused by dripping injector
  after engine shut down.   Seen the pictures my self.    Start of damage to prechamber did not happen with present injector! That was
  spraying ok.  Damage started many miles ago,possible several injectors ago.   

    Note; injector can spray properly and still drip.   Was the injector even tested for drip?  
                                                                        Best hopes in finding your answer to why.

That's a wealth of information. It does make sense. I presented your points to my diesel injector shop, they tested them again under heat, they are dripping. 

I should change the prechambers on my replacement engine and put my rebuilt injectors in.
Great! you have the answer.     Best method of repair if possible is test under normal working conditions (all things).
02-01-2017, 11:12 PM #19

(02-01-2017, 05:42 PM)hummermaniac88
(01-31-2017, 11:08 PM)Hercules I worked for Mercedes Benz of North America for 25 years,mercedes says Note; Crystallization of prechamber tip is caused by dripping injector
  after engine shut down.   Seen the pictures my self.    Start of damage to prechamber did not happen with present injector! That was
  spraying ok.  Damage started many miles ago,possible several injectors ago.   

    Note; injector can spray properly and still drip.   Was the injector even tested for drip?  
                                                                        Best hopes in finding your answer to why.

That's a wealth of information. It does make sense. I presented your points to my diesel injector shop, they tested them again under heat, they are dripping. 

I should change the prechambers on my replacement engine and put my rebuilt injectors in.
Great! you have the answer.     Best method of repair if possible is test under normal working conditions (all things).


02-01-2017, 11:23 PM #20
(02-01-2017, 07:07 PM)Hario So they just drip a bit until the hard line pressure bleeds down, only a few drips surely?

Each injector will vary,at what pressure does the injector stop dripping?? so what is the volume dripped??
 Not more than is in the line to  (o) pressure for sure.
02-01-2017, 11:23 PM #20

(02-01-2017, 07:07 PM)Hario So they just drip a bit until the hard line pressure bleeds down, only a few drips surely?

Each injector will vary,at what pressure does the injector stop dripping?? so what is the volume dripped??
 Not more than is in the line to  (o) pressure for sure.


02-01-2017, 11:34 PM #21
To help is all stay out of trouble in this area.
                                                          What were the symptoms before the disaster.
                                              Here are the only things that come to mind.
                                               1- small bit harder to start.  possible
                                               2- slight miss 1-2 sec. until line refills and pressure is restored.
                                                    Any others??
02-01-2017, 11:34 PM #21

To help is all stay out of trouble in this area.
                                                          What were the symptoms before the disaster.
                                              Here are the only things that come to mind.
                                               1- small bit harder to start.  possible
                                               2- slight miss 1-2 sec. until line refills and pressure is restored.
                                                    Any others??


02-02-2017, 07:30 AM #22
(02-01-2017, 11:34 PM)Hercules To help is all stay out of trouble in this area.
                                                          What were the symptoms before the disaster.
                                              Here are the only things that come to mind.
                                               1- small bit harder to start.  possible
                                               2- slight miss 1-2 sec. until line refills and pressure is restored.
                                                    Any others??

- Hard to start in the morning (Especially after a cold -40C night)
- When cranking it sounded like rumbling of metal (Probably pre chamber already shattered at that point)
- Louder and louder injectors (Clacking noise, Clack, clack , clack!)
- Power slowing declining (Power loss)
- Rough idle
- Turbo having trouble making boost (Started at 1.5 bar then never made .7 bar again)
- If you change gears from R to D (vice versa) the car would stall
02-02-2017, 07:30 AM #22

(02-01-2017, 11:34 PM)Hercules To help is all stay out of trouble in this area.
                                                          What were the symptoms before the disaster.
                                              Here are the only things that come to mind.
                                               1- small bit harder to start.  possible
                                               2- slight miss 1-2 sec. until line refills and pressure is restored.
                                                    Any others??

- Hard to start in the morning (Especially after a cold -40C night)
- When cranking it sounded like rumbling of metal (Probably pre chamber already shattered at that point)
- Louder and louder injectors (Clacking noise, Clack, clack , clack!)
- Power slowing declining (Power loss)
- Rough idle
- Turbo having trouble making boost (Started at 1.5 bar then never made .7 bar again)
- If you change gears from R to D (vice versa) the car would stall


02-02-2017, 10:09 AM #23
these engines , last and last and last , i bet u put it a new chamber and it continued untill yellow smoke coming out the exaust...
how´s the turbine, sure it was hit by some debris and may be damaged , a way damaged... i had that just by ingestion of sand...

Powered by tractor fuel
02-02-2017, 10:09 AM #23

these engines , last and last and last , i bet u put it a new chamber and it continued untill yellow smoke coming out the exaust...
how´s the turbine, sure it was hit by some debris and may be damaged , a way damaged... i had that just by ingestion of sand...

Powered by tractor fuel


02-02-2017, 11:59 AM #24
The valves are not holding seal anymore. They got damaged. It wouldn't be worth rebuilding on a destroyed head.
02-02-2017, 11:59 AM #24

The valves are not holding seal anymore. They got damaged. It wouldn't be worth rebuilding on a destroyed head.


02-02-2017, 03:03 PM #25
for the record, the diesel shop where i have some friends , and do some works , is open since 1974, no one seen a MB precup like that...
even the old fellas, joining to that the shop in servisse since 1953 , but no one is alive from those days.

keep the head, rebuilding is easy , this are though engines , small hammer and chisel repairs last for ages. sometimes Wink

Powered by tractor fuel
02-02-2017, 03:03 PM #25

for the record, the diesel shop where i have some friends , and do some works , is open since 1974, no one seen a MB precup like that...
even the old fellas, joining to that the shop in servisse since 1953 , but no one is alive from those days.

keep the head, rebuilding is easy , this are though engines , small hammer and chisel repairs last for ages. sometimes Wink

Powered by tractor fuel


02-04-2017, 02:16 PM #26
I got a new engine and might keep this one around as a spare. Anyone know where to get new chambers?
02-04-2017, 02:16 PM #26

I got a new engine and might keep this one around as a spare. Anyone know where to get new chambers?

C300TD Wagon (W202)

02-06-2017, 05:33 PM #27
(02-04-2017, 02:16 PM)hummermaniac88 I got a new engine and might keep this one around as a spare. Anyone know where to get new chambers?

Forum member ak47is1337 said he had some on my wanted thread recently. (I got mine in Europe)


OM606/722.6, big IC, W220 brakes.
DIY manifold, compound, 722.6 controller, built IP.
[i]Less rust.. 
02-06-2017, 05:33 PM #27

(02-04-2017, 02:16 PM)hummermaniac88 I got a new engine and might keep this one around as a spare. Anyone know where to get new chambers?

Forum member ak47is1337 said he had some on my wanted thread recently. (I got mine in Europe)


OM606/722.6, big IC, W220 brakes.
DIY manifold, compound, 722.6 controller, built IP.
[i]Less rust.. 


02-06-2017, 06:20 PM #28
(02-06-2017, 05:33 PM)Hario
(02-04-2017, 02:16 PM)hummermaniac88 I got a new engine and might keep this one around as a spare. Anyone know where to get new chambers?

Forum member ak47is1337 said he had some on my wanted thread recently. (I got mine in Europe)

How much did it cost you with Hents99?
02-06-2017, 06:20 PM #28

(02-06-2017, 05:33 PM)Hario
(02-04-2017, 02:16 PM)hummermaniac88 I got a new engine and might keep this one around as a spare. Anyone know where to get new chambers?

Forum member ak47is1337 said he had some on my wanted thread recently. (I got mine in Europe)

How much did it cost you with Hents99?

C300TD Wagon (W202)

02-28-2017, 07:57 AM #29
(02-06-2017, 06:20 PM)hummermaniac88
(02-06-2017, 05:33 PM)Hario
(02-04-2017, 02:16 PM)hummermaniac88 I got a new engine and might keep this one around as a spare. Anyone know where to get new chambers?

Forum member ak47is1337 said he had some on my wanted thread recently. (I got mine in Europe)

How much did it cost you with Hents99?

It was a deal for a favour. But they are $50 each new, so probs $15-30 each good used? Don't know tbh


OM606/722.6, big IC, W220 brakes.
DIY manifold, compound, 722.6 controller, built IP.
[i]Less rust.. 
02-28-2017, 07:57 AM #29

(02-06-2017, 06:20 PM)hummermaniac88
(02-06-2017, 05:33 PM)Hario
(02-04-2017, 02:16 PM)hummermaniac88 I got a new engine and might keep this one around as a spare. Anyone know where to get new chambers?

Forum member ak47is1337 said he had some on my wanted thread recently. (I got mine in Europe)

How much did it cost you with Hents99?

It was a deal for a favour. But they are $50 each new, so probs $15-30 each good used? Don't know tbh


OM606/722.6, big IC, W220 brakes.
DIY manifold, compound, 722.6 controller, built IP.
[i]Less rust.. 


07-18-2018, 08:27 PM #30
I know this is an old thread but I had the same thing happen to my race car and not a whole lot of support with these motors in the states. Did fixing the leaky injectors address the issue on the new motor? My injectors were rebuilt and pop pressures set by a local diesel injector shop when I put the dieselmeken pump in. It happend to two motors which is my fault because I thought I just lost compression in the first motor due to big boost and a lot of miles so I didn’t take it apart until I hurt the other motor. Any help would be awesome thanks....
07-18-2018, 08:27 PM #30

I know this is an old thread but I had the same thing happen to my race car and not a whole lot of support with these motors in the states. Did fixing the leaky injectors address the issue on the new motor? My injectors were rebuilt and pop pressures set by a local diesel injector shop when I put the dieselmeken pump in. It happend to two motors which is my fault because I thought I just lost compression in the first motor due to big boost and a lot of miles so I didn’t take it apart until I hurt the other motor. Any help would be awesome thanks....

g wizz
fuel oil junkie

10-19-2018, 12:01 PM #31
(07-18-2018, 08:27 PM)Ryanhayward1660 I know this is an old thread but I had the same thing happen to my race car and not a whole lot of support with these motors in the states. Did fixing the leaky injectors address the issue on the new motor? My injectors were rebuilt and pop pressures set by a local diesel injector shop when I put the dieselmeken pump in. It happend to two motors which is my fault because I thought I just lost compression in the first motor due to big boost and a lot of miles so I didn’t take it apart until I hurt the other motor. Any help would be awesome thanks....

i cant for the life of me see how some drips of fuel could damage the pre cup when under working conditions its being bombarded by a flame thrower. especially if there is no visible smoke and the engine runs fine before hand. that just sounds like some bs but im not a 25 year Mercedes mechanic and i just want to blow these things up.

this sort of stuff cracking in my mind would be related to the head, cooling, and localized hot spots. in your case racing i can only assume your throwing too much fuel. i cant imagine timing being the issue? i dunno this seems like a strange failure. but in your case its most certainly related to localized heat in the pre cup. its really hard to say with the OP, cause the head was at a machine shop so god knows what happened to it, so protrusion cracked/damaged on install ect. i for sure will be dye testing my precups for cracks when they come out.

you should ask jeemu on instagram or some of the other finns. they probably have done this.

85 300d om603, 717, he 341, sch40 stainless manifold with prioritized 50mm external W/G (2"open dump), intercooled, intake manifold, full 3.5 stainless exhaust.
need to figure out a different trans cause its already pissed with only 5.5mm elements... then diff and suspension. but for now its daily as described above.
g wizz
10-19-2018, 12:01 PM #31

(07-18-2018, 08:27 PM)Ryanhayward1660 I know this is an old thread but I had the same thing happen to my race car and not a whole lot of support with these motors in the states. Did fixing the leaky injectors address the issue on the new motor? My injectors were rebuilt and pop pressures set by a local diesel injector shop when I put the dieselmeken pump in. It happend to two motors which is my fault because I thought I just lost compression in the first motor due to big boost and a lot of miles so I didn’t take it apart until I hurt the other motor. Any help would be awesome thanks....

i cant for the life of me see how some drips of fuel could damage the pre cup when under working conditions its being bombarded by a flame thrower. especially if there is no visible smoke and the engine runs fine before hand. that just sounds like some bs but im not a 25 year Mercedes mechanic and i just want to blow these things up.

this sort of stuff cracking in my mind would be related to the head, cooling, and localized hot spots. in your case racing i can only assume your throwing too much fuel. i cant imagine timing being the issue? i dunno this seems like a strange failure. but in your case its most certainly related to localized heat in the pre cup. its really hard to say with the OP, cause the head was at a machine shop so god knows what happened to it, so protrusion cracked/damaged on install ect. i for sure will be dye testing my precups for cracks when they come out.

you should ask jeemu on instagram or some of the other finns. they probably have done this.

85 300d om603, 717, he 341, sch40 stainless manifold with prioritized 50mm external W/G (2"open dump), intercooled, intake manifold, full 3.5 stainless exhaust.
need to figure out a different trans cause its already pissed with only 5.5mm elements... then diff and suspension. but for now its daily as described above.


08-05-2019, 04:00 PM #32
(10-19-2018, 12:01 PM)g wizz
(07-18-2018, 08:27 PM)Ryanhayward1660 I know this is an old thread but I had the same thing happen to my race car and not a whole lot of support with these motors in the states. Did fixing the leaky injectors address the issue on the new motor? My injectors were rebuilt and pop pressures set by a local diesel injector shop when I put the dieselmeken pump in. It happend to two motors which is my fault because I thought I just lost compression in the first motor due to big boost and a lot of miles so I didn’t take it apart until I hurt the other motor. Any help would be awesome thanks....

i cant for the life of me see how some drips of fuel could damage the pre cup when under working conditions its being bombarded by a flame thrower. especially if there is no visible smoke and the engine runs fine before hand. that just sounds like some bs but im not a 25 year Mercedes mechanic and i just want to blow these things up.

this sort of stuff cracking in my mind would be related to the head, cooling, and localized hot spots. in your case racing i can only assume your throwing too much fuel. i cant imagine timing being the issue? i dunno this seems like a strange failure. but in your case its most certainly related to localized heat in the pre cup. its really hard to say with the OP, cause the head was at a machine shop so god knows what happened to it, so protrusion cracked/damaged on install ect. i for sure will be dye testing my precups for cracks when they come out.

you should ask jeemu on instagram or some of the other finns. they probably have done this.

come on, use brain
08-05-2019, 04:00 PM #32

(10-19-2018, 12:01 PM)g wizz
(07-18-2018, 08:27 PM)Ryanhayward1660 I know this is an old thread but I had the same thing happen to my race car and not a whole lot of support with these motors in the states. Did fixing the leaky injectors address the issue on the new motor? My injectors were rebuilt and pop pressures set by a local diesel injector shop when I put the dieselmeken pump in. It happend to two motors which is my fault because I thought I just lost compression in the first motor due to big boost and a lot of miles so I didn’t take it apart until I hurt the other motor. Any help would be awesome thanks....

i cant for the life of me see how some drips of fuel could damage the pre cup when under working conditions its being bombarded by a flame thrower. especially if there is no visible smoke and the engine runs fine before hand. that just sounds like some bs but im not a 25 year Mercedes mechanic and i just want to blow these things up.

this sort of stuff cracking in my mind would be related to the head, cooling, and localized hot spots. in your case racing i can only assume your throwing too much fuel. i cant imagine timing being the issue? i dunno this seems like a strange failure. but in your case its most certainly related to localized heat in the pre cup. its really hard to say with the OP, cause the head was at a machine shop so god knows what happened to it, so protrusion cracked/damaged on install ect. i for sure will be dye testing my precups for cracks when they come out.

you should ask jeemu on instagram or some of the other finns. they probably have done this.

come on, use brain

g wizz
fuel oil junkie

08-07-2021, 06:00 PM #33
(08-05-2019, 04:00 PM)engineengineer
(10-19-2018, 12:01 PM)g wizz
(07-18-2018, 08:27 PM)Ryanhayward1660 I know this is an old thread but I had the same thing happen to my race car and not a whole lot of support with these motors in the states. Did fixing the leaky injectors address the issue on the new motor? My injectors were rebuilt and pop pressures set by a local diesel injector shop when I put the dieselmeken pump in. It happend to two motors which is my fault because I thought I just lost compression in the first motor due to big boost and a lot of miles so I didn’t take it apart until I hurt the other motor. Any help would be awesome thanks....

i cant for the life of me see how some drips of fuel could damage the pre cup when under working conditions its being bombarded by a flame thrower. especially if there is no visible smoke and the engine runs fine before hand. that just sounds like some bs but im not a 25 year Mercedes mechanic and i just want to blow these things up.

this sort of stuff cracking in my mind would be related to the head, cooling, and localized hot spots. in your case racing i can only assume your throwing too much fuel. i cant imagine timing being the issue? i dunno this seems like a strange failure. but in your case its most certainly related to localized heat in the pre cup. its really hard to say with the OP, cause the head was at a machine shop so god knows what happened to it, so protrusion cracked/damaged on install ect. i for sure will be dye testing my precups for cracks when they come out.

you should ask jeemu on instagram or some of the other finns. they probably have done this.

come on, use brain

85 300d om603, 717, he 341, sch40 stainless manifold with prioritized 50mm external W/G (2"open dump), intercooled, intake manifold, full 3.5 stainless exhaust.
need to figure out a different trans cause its already pissed with only 5.5mm elements... then diff and suspension. but for now its daily as described above.
g wizz
08-07-2021, 06:00 PM #33

(08-05-2019, 04:00 PM)engineengineer
(10-19-2018, 12:01 PM)g wizz
(07-18-2018, 08:27 PM)Ryanhayward1660 I know this is an old thread but I had the same thing happen to my race car and not a whole lot of support with these motors in the states. Did fixing the leaky injectors address the issue on the new motor? My injectors were rebuilt and pop pressures set by a local diesel injector shop when I put the dieselmeken pump in. It happend to two motors which is my fault because I thought I just lost compression in the first motor due to big boost and a lot of miles so I didn’t take it apart until I hurt the other motor. Any help would be awesome thanks....

i cant for the life of me see how some drips of fuel could damage the pre cup when under working conditions its being bombarded by a flame thrower. especially if there is no visible smoke and the engine runs fine before hand. that just sounds like some bs but im not a 25 year Mercedes mechanic and i just want to blow these things up.

this sort of stuff cracking in my mind would be related to the head, cooling, and localized hot spots. in your case racing i can only assume your throwing too much fuel. i cant imagine timing being the issue? i dunno this seems like a strange failure. but in your case its most certainly related to localized heat in the pre cup. its really hard to say with the OP, cause the head was at a machine shop so god knows what happened to it, so protrusion cracked/damaged on install ect. i for sure will be dye testing my precups for cracks when they come out.

you should ask jeemu on instagram or some of the other finns. they probably have done this.

come on, use brain

85 300d om603, 717, he 341, sch40 stainless manifold with prioritized 50mm external W/G (2"open dump), intercooled, intake manifold, full 3.5 stainless exhaust.
need to figure out a different trans cause its already pissed with only 5.5mm elements... then diff and suspension. but for now its daily as described above.


08-09-2021, 06:40 AM #34
Leaking injectors can definitely cause damage.
One, you can have pre ignition when fuel that is already present in the chamber prior to the timed injection event.
Two, poorly atomised fuel will ignite with a bang when it gets hot enough to evaporate rather than burning smoothly.
Three, and probably the most prevalent problem for the prechamber is that in normal operation you have fuel delivery for maybe 30 degrees of crank rotation followed by 690 degrees to transfer heat away from the chamber into the cooling system. If you have fuel constantly dripping into the prechamber you aren't able to keep it cool.

Baldur Gislason

08-09-2021, 06:40 AM #34

Leaking injectors can definitely cause damage.
One, you can have pre ignition when fuel that is already present in the chamber prior to the timed injection event.
Two, poorly atomised fuel will ignite with a bang when it gets hot enough to evaporate rather than burning smoothly.
Three, and probably the most prevalent problem for the prechamber is that in normal operation you have fuel delivery for maybe 30 degrees of crank rotation followed by 690 degrees to transfer heat away from the chamber into the cooling system. If you have fuel constantly dripping into the prechamber you aren't able to keep it cool.

Baldur Gislason


08-31-2021, 09:51 AM #35
Never seen broken tips from 8 hole chambers, only 10 hole tips. Can it be reason as well? More holes, less material, less strenght,,,
08-31-2021, 09:51 AM #35

Never seen broken tips from 8 hole chambers, only 10 hole tips. Can it be reason as well? More holes, less material, less strenght,,,

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